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Rom et al. BMC Veterinary Research 2013, 9:268 ARTICLEOpen AccessHemostatic profile and thromboembolic risk in healthy dogs treated with prednisone: a randomized controlled trialFelipe Gazza Rom 1*, Elza Fernanda Campos1, Claudio Roberto Scabelo Mattoso2 and Regina Kiomi TakahiraAbstractBackground: Thrombosis has been associated to some diseases like hyperadrenocorticism (HAC). Several drugs can alter the balance, such as the corticosteroid prednisone, used mainly for its anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive effects. It is known that hypercortisolism can stimulate thrombi formation by increasing coagulation factors and decreasing fibrinolysis. However it is not 3-(2,2,2-Trifluoroethoxy)aniline hydrochloride known how prednisone administration affects hemostasis in dogs and if it is dose dependent. The aim of this study, therefore, was to demonstrate the effects of prednisone administration on dogs’ hemostatic profile. Results: Significant decrease of antithrombin levels was observed in both groups (anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive doses) after 15 days of treatment. An increase of platelet aggregation was observed in dogs receiving immunosuppressive doses of prednisone (Group II). Conclusions: From the results obtained in our study, it is (R)-3-Fluoropyrrolidine hydrochloride not possible to infer that hypercortisolism can increase the thromboembolic risk, despite the decreased anticoagulant factors (antithrombin levels). Keywords: Platelets, Hemostasis, Prednisone, ThromboembolismBackground Despite being more common in humans, thromboembolic risk has been more associated to hypercortisolism in dogs than in humans [1]. Prospective studies concerning overall effects of corticosteroids on PubMed ID: hemostasis are rare in dogs. In human, this risk has been associated to an increase of factors V, VIII, IX, XI, XII, and prothrombin, von Willebrand factor, and platelet hyperactivity [2]. Most studies do not clearly define if hemostatic changes in animals presenting Cushing’s syndrome are associated to direct effects of corticosteroids or secondarily to endogenous elevation observed in cases of HAC, including those caused by metabolic imbalances or mineralocorticoid action. Prednisone is a corticoid PubMed ID: widely used in clinics and veterinary hospital settings. In spite of this fact, only a few studies have compared the effects of long-term exogenous administration of prednisone (15 days protocols) at antiinflammatory and immunosuppressive doses.* Correspondence: 1 Department of Veterinary Clinics, Botucatu Veterinary Medicine School, University Estadual Paulista ?UNESP, Botucatu, Brazil Full list of author information is available at the end of the articleTherefore, the aim of this study was to assess the effects of prednisone on platelet count and function, coagulation profile and the fibrinolytic system (Table 1) in healthy dogs, in order to determine the thromboembolic risk associated to corticotherapy.MethodsAnimalsFor this study, twenty healthy mongrel neutered dogs, both sexes (15 females, 5 males), between one and eight y.